3 people standing in front of YMCA sign

Employer:  Kosciusko Community YMCA

Student’s Job Title: Marketing Assistant

Supervisors: Bryan Hickerson and Benjamin Keffer

What are your job responsibilities: Taking photos of new and existing programs at the YMCA.  Editing and creating Instagram posts with the photos to promote the YMCA.  I also help build new sports programs.

How has this position been helpful to you?   This position has been very helpful in the sense of introducing me to photography in sports.  I have realized that I love using social media to promote sports events.

What have you learned?   I have learned a lot about cameras.  Before my internship I have never used a nice camera.  But, now I have a lot of experience with using a camera.  I also have learned about using an editing database lightroom.

How is this job preparing you for the future?  This job has shown me a glimpse of what a job in marketing might look like.  It has prepared me for what’s to come and what it's like to have responsibilities in a job.

What do you like about this job?   I like the people and environment at my job.  I’m so grateful for all the friendships and relationships I have made because of my internship.  Everyone has been very friendly and welcoming to me at the YMCA.

What Career Center classes have you taken in your pathway? Strategic Marketing, Intro to Business, Business Management, Management Fundamentals, and Business Law and Ethics.

Your Career and College Plans: Ball State Major in Marketing

Supervisor Input from Benjamin Keffer, Director of Marketing and Fund Development 

How is this job preparing this student for the future? Giving them an opportunity to experience marketing duties

What do you think of the WACC work-based learning program? Great so far

Why were you willing to partner with the WACC in this program? I think it's a lot of help for us and a good chance for students to experience different jobs