It is Edgewood Middle School's time to shine! This Tiger Tuesday, we'll be highlighting how their annual FOOD DRIVE makes a HUGE impact on the WCS families who benefit through their partnership with Combined Community Services (CCS), Our Father's House, & Beaman Home.
Let's dive in and learn more about how leaders, teachers, students, and community partners move the WCS Mission forward and support the 4 Strategic Plan Pillars: Empathy, Experience, Adaptability, and Inclusivity.
Combined Community Services, Our Father's House, & Beaman Home will receive items.
- Items that will be Donated in Total:
- 10,500 Family Boxes given to Edgewood Families & WCS
- Employees: 65
- Money Collected: $12,500
- Thank you Kerlin Bus & Private Anonymous Donor
- Thank you to Kroger for allowing our students to solicit donations the past two Saturdays.
- Thank you to the community members, Edgewood Students & Teachers, and WCS Maintenance for helping make it a successful event.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Warsaw Community Schools would like to thank leaders, teachers, support personnel, students, community partners, and families for their support of the Annual Edgewood Middle School Food Drive. The district's mission is to inspire and equip all students to continuously acquire and apply knowledge and skills while pursuing their dreams and enriching the lives of others.
We can only do that if students have their basic needs met.
On this Tiger Tuesday, we celebrate Edgewood Middle School and congratulate them on their STEM accreditation progress.
#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw
#wcsempathy #wcsexperience #wcsadaptability #wcsinclusivity