Meet LLOYD - Lakeview's PAW-sitive Puppy!
Lloyd joined the Lakeview Team in 2022 & is already a fan favorite …helping to bring staff, students, and the Lakeview community together <3
It is Lakeview Middle School's time to shine! This Tiger Tuesday, we'll be highlighting
Many Players, ONE Team, United by a Vision.
Go TEAM Lakeview!
Let's dive in and learn more about how Lakeview leaders, teachers, staff, students, and community partners move the WCS Mission forward and support the 4 Strategic Plan Pillars: Empathy, Experience, Adaptability, and Inclusivity.
“Our vision at Lakeview Middle School is to ensure that ALL students are learning at high levels through an intentional, collaborative, and purposeful commitment in ensuring our students will achieve the mission statement of Warsaw Community Schools.”

“Through this shared purpose, our collective commitment as a school is to ensure that the learning and the well being of the whole child is first and foremost in every decision that we make for our students.”
“For the 2022-2023 school year, LMS has been laser focused on strengthening our PLC Teams across the school. They strive to equip ALL students for the future through a common commitment to ensure our students are learning at high levels academically.”

"Team Lakeview has enriched the lives of others through raising over $13,000 for Feed My Starving Children, close to $1,000 for Riley Children’s Hospital, and by donating another $1,000 to help a family during the holiday season."
Principal Todd Braddock shared, “I’m proud of our Team here at Lakeview Middle School. We continue to show that when we all work together for the common good and through a shared purpose we can achieve great things as a school team. WE have accomplished many great things this school year thus far with our PLCs while also enriching the lives of others around the world and in our own community. I am excited to continue the great things we have accomplished as a team as we look forward to finishing the 2022-23 school year strong. Go Tigers!”
Start Strong…Finish STRONGER!

Warsaw Community Schools would like to thank leaders, teachers, support personnel, students, community partners, and families for their support of Lakeview Middle School as TOGETHER we strive to achieve the district's mission to inspire and equip all students to continuously acquire and apply knowledge and skills while pursuing their dreams and enriching the lives of others.
On this Tiger Tuesday, we celebrate Lakeview Middle School and wish them and all
WCS schools a fantastic NEW YEAR!
#wcsmission #togetherwearewarsaw
#wcsempathy #wcsexperience #wcsadaptability #wcsinclusivity