September 9, 2021
Warsaw Community Schools is excited to announce our next JOB FAIR. WCS will join community partners and assist with applications. We have openings for full-time and part-time jo...

September 7, 2021
Today we are celebrating our talented Technology Department , our creative Communications Department , our super support staff , and our passionate paras. These terrific team...

September 1, 2021
Attention Parents: Send your son or daughter on an amazing journey to Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands during the summer of 2023. Mr. Netzley, Edgewood Middle School teacher, ...

August 28, 2021
Our spotlight focuses on Mrs. Lena Winn , who stepped into the role of EL Teacher at the beginning of the 2020-21 school year. Mrs. Winn was born and raised in a small town ...

Tiger Tuesday Appreciation Days: HR & Community Partners. Click for a video message from Dr. Hoffert
August 24, 2021
We are kicking off our Tiger Tuesday Appreciation Days for 2021-2022 with two fantastic groups: WCS, Human Resource Department, and our Community Partners!
A heartfelt tha...

August 18, 2021
An early draft of the 2021-2022 calendar included an eLearning date in August. The next revision opted to start eLearning days in SEPTEMBER. As a result, we wanted to make sur...

August 18, 2021
Miss Hannah Sutton is a Special Education Teacher at Jefferson, now in her third year. She previously taught EL along with Special Education here. Miss Sutton is a Grace Coll...

August 15, 2021
WCS is thrilled to welcome returning students and new students to the 2021-2022 school year. As a reminder, MONDAYS will be a 50-minute Late Start for students while teachers en...

August 10, 2021
NEWS FROM WCS FOOD SERVICES: Meals for students enrolled at WCS are available on eLearning days by filling out the Order Form
The eLearning meal order form will open on ...

August 10, 2021
As we count down to the first day of school for our students, we’re sharing a great book written by Chris Singleton (a recent guest speaker at WCS at the close of the 2020-2021 sc...

August 6, 2021
Today we shine a spotlight on Mrs. Kaitlyn Terpstra , who joined the Jefferson staff in February 2021 as our front desk receptionist and attendance secretary . Mrs. Terpstra has...

August 4, 2021
“ We are so blessed by the incredible generosity of the United Way and all their community volunteers. As part of their efforts, over 800 students will be provided school suppl...

August 4, 2021
Don't miss this opportunity to participate in Tools for School at the KC Fairgrounds on August 5th, 2021 from 9 am to 3 pm. Parents & children grades K-12 are invited for b...

August 3, 2021
Da-Lite/Legrand recently donated books and a mobile book rack to the Jefferson Library to help encourage the further study of sustainability and green energy. Books that were dona...
August 3, 2021
Blosser’s Photo Design Center partnered with Jefferson STEM Elementary to give the main entrance doors a stunning facelift. The doors were designed in collaboration with Tom Skagg...

August 2, 2021
Securly is the leading solution in keeping children safe online at school. Now parents can get the same peace of mind when school devices come home. See your child’s online acti...

August 2, 2021
Returning to Jefferson this year is Mrs. Lauren Harbison in the role of Title I Interventionist .She graduated with honors from Indiana State University with a Bachelor's degre...

July 30, 2021
Online Registration is Open. As we wrap up this school year, we jump right into thinking about the next.
Warsaw Community Schools is excited to partner with Secured Tech Solut...

July 29, 2021
Returning to the position of 2nd Grade Teacher at Jefferson is Mrs. Megan Welc h . Mrs. Welch started out teaching 1st and 2nd grades in Kentucky before getting married in ...

July 28, 2021
News from the Nurse : Parents as you register your child and check off all the things on the list, please be sure to also update medical records. The instruction sheet is avai...