Madison students traveled to space this week in the Digitarium. They learned about weather, planets, gravity, and the importance of our atmosphere for life on Earth. Madison Cardinals were the first humans to land on Mars!! Special thanks to the Region 8 Education Service Center for the use of their Digitarium. #WarsawInspires
5 days ago, Derek Pike
The Digitarium
In space
Planet Venus
In Space
It is cold on the Moon.
Saturn's rings
The Moon
Getting ready to take off
On Earth
Madison 3rd graders had the opportunity to dissect crayfish. They learned about habitat, external, and internal anatomy. Thank you to Mrs. Gough's WCHS students for leading this lab!
6 days ago, Derek Pike
Ready to work
Dissection class
Taking a closer look
So fun
Check it out!
Here we go!
Miss Berger's class
Congratulations to Madison Elementary students!! They were awarded a Red Apple Grant to purchase 29 new waders for their annual creek-study visits to Cherry and Eagle Creek. A special thank you to the Warsaw Education Foundation for this opportunity! We are excited to try them out this spring. #WarsawInspires
13 days ago, Derek Pike
New Waders
Madison 5th graders have a cool indoor garden growing from the compost they made this fall. Mrs. Hale's class is growing carrots; Rizzo's class is growing lettuce; Hendrikse's students are growing cucumbers. They tend their produce each day and note any changes. Students are also 3D printing custom made pots to start more seeds! This STEM project is incorporating agriculture and technology. #WarsawInspires
15 days ago, Derek Pike
Growing container
Hale's students
It's a jungle!
Checking the cucumbers
Madison 6th graders participated in a STEM challenge. They examined the structures of how towers are built. Then they had 7 minutes to build the tallest tower possible using index cards and tape. -Learning to work under pressure! Students were given roles(primary builder, materials specialist, and measurer) and then worked through STEM components: creating a model, collaboration, and data analysis. The tallest tower was 68 mm! #WarsawInspires
16 days ago, Derek Pike
Wow, that's tall
6th grade
Hold it
6th grade
Under pressure
Don't let it fall!
7 minutes!
Madison Kindergarteners participated in an engineering lesson using Lego Duplos. Students built a seesaw to display science concepts: balanced & unbalanced. They tested their creation to help solve the problem: Why is the model seesaw not balancing correctly? #WarsawInspires
20 days ago, Derek Pike
Sam and Sara
Here we go!
Working hard
Almost done
So fun
Getting started
Madison 3rd grade wrote personal narratives and then turned them into an interactive digital story using ScratchJr to code and program their characters. They learned and practiced Programs & Algorithms(Computer Science standards) by designing a program that incorporates sequences, events, and loops. Plus it was super fun!! #WarsawInspires
about 2 months ago, Derek Pike
Planning the project
Planning the project
Lots of work!
Coding the program
Designing the character
Computer Programming
Scratch platform
Learning the software
Coding the character
Madison's 6th graders were able to participate in Squid Dissections this week. They learned squids have 3 hearts and live 3-5 years. After dissecting, they pulled out the spine, dipped it in the ink sac, and wrote their names!! Thank you to Mrs. Gough's HS students for leading this science lab. #WarsawInspires
2 months ago, Derek Pike
Squid Dissection
How to snip
Squid Doctors
Writing with the ink sac
Mrs. Gough
HS students in action!
Not too sure
Check it out!
Congratulations to our November Cardinals of the Month! #WCSinspires
2 months ago, Tara Reichenbach
November cardinals of the month
We are proud to announce that we've been recognized as a Riley Red Wagon Corporation by the Riley Children’s Foundation in partnership with the Indiana Association of School Principals! Thank you to our students, staff and community for coming together to make it possible for us to support the children and families receiving care at Riley Hospital for Children. #WarsawInspires #RileyRedWagon
2 months ago, Krista Polston
Madison's Girls in STEM afterschool club has one more meeting next Tuesday. Thank you to Jodi Hanson and her Grace College Elementary Ed students for teaching science and programming to the girls. Check out this "Girls in STEM" Recap video! #WarsawInspires
2 months ago, Derek Pike
Join us for the Warsaw Schools Orchestra Holiday Concert on Sunday, December 10, 2024, at 7:00 PM at the Warsaw Performing Arts Center! Featuring performances by: 🎶 Beginning Orchestra 🎶 Advanced Middle School Orchestra 🎶 Obbligato String Orchestra 🎶 Philharmonic Orchestra Admission is free, and free-will donations are accepted to support these talented young musicians. Don't miss this festive evening filled with holiday cheer! 🎄 #WarsawInspires
2 months ago, Krista Polston
For the second part of their Rocks & Fossils lesson with imi Construction, Madison 4th graders learned how to make concrete. They used Fillers(stone and sand) mixed with the Binder(cement) and a little water to make their own concrete fossils. Thank you to imi Construction for donating the materials! #WarsawInspires
2 months ago, Derek Pike
Mixing the ingredients
Stir it up
Almost done
Getting the binder and filler
working hard
Making concrete
4th grade fossils
Madison 6th graders enjoyed a tour of our neighbor and community partner Banner Medical. They learned how computers are used to program their machinery to cut, polish, and calculate the density of the metals that are sent out for medical supplies and tools. Students were told "If you love drawing, math, and are good at communicating, you would be a great engineer!" Student were also exposed to a variety of other jobs. Thank you Banner Medical!! #WarsawInspires
2 months ago, Derek Pike
Banner Medical Tour
Metal cutting
Using water and sand to cut metal
Banner Medical
Programming metal tools
Getting Safety Equipment
Here we go!
Christmas ornament
Parachute Week at Madison in Mr. Crone's P.E. class!! Students used upper body exercises to raise and lower the parachute as well as launching balls as high as possible. Then they made a Parachute Cave and switched places underneath. Students used teamwork to try to bounce dodgeballs into the basket. 5th grade actually hit the rim and blasted the ceiling! So much one wanted to leave. #WarsawInspires
3 months ago, Derek Pike
5th grade
How high?
Dual classes
So cool
Nap time
In the cave
Thumbs up
Wiggle the Parachute
3rd grade
Hurry up!
Leslie Williams, Educational Outreach & Marketing Coordinator from KC Recycling Depot came to Madison to check out the 5th grader's vermicomposting projects. She tested nitrogen levels in each groups bins for students to record. She also discussed careers in the recycling industry. Leslie states, "I'm impressed at the passion these students are committing to composting and a greener future!" #WarsawInspires
3 months ago, Derek Pike
Checking out the compost
Explaining the process
Composting is #1!
Time to feed the worms.
Talking careers
Testing for nitrogen.
Explaining composting
Good levels
Recording data
The Compost Team!
Madison 4th graders learned about different kinds of rocks and fossils. This program was led by imi Construction through a Zoom Meeting. They taught the students about sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks. This was a hands-on activity as students had their own rock collection that they could take home! #WarsawInspires
3 months ago, Derek Pike
Rock Zoom meeting
Rock Box
Ready to Learn
Rock layers
Check it out
Fossil program
Earth Layers
Thickness of Earth Layers
The Rock Lady!
Mrs. Kelly's Kindergarteners were 3 Little Pig Architects. They learned about what an architect does, and then they planned, built, and tested their homes. Students used toothpicks, popsicle sticks, or small sponges to resemble straw, sticks, and bricks. Then the Big Bad Leaf Blower tried to Huff and Puff them down! #WarsawInspires
3 months ago, Derek Pike
Building with bricks
Planning our home
Planning together
Working together
Time to huff
Testing stage
Blown down
Ready to go!
Madison 6th graders learned about 3D printing and the differences between 2 and 3 dimensional objects in the STEM Lab. They used Tinkercad software to design a nametag using text, holes, and geometric shapes as well as converting millimeters to centimeters to predict the size of their project. #WarsawInspires
4 months ago, Derek Pike
Google Slide
2D vs 3D
Working hard
6th grade
Beginning this week, Madison students will be learning different Computer Science standards in Innovation Lab(Library). K-2nd grade students will be doing some intro to computer science lessons, and 3rd - 6th graders will be taking a coding course through to learn about different code blocks through problem solving. #WarsawInspires
4 months ago, Derek Pike
Students using
Make the bird reach the pig.
The next generation of engineers!
What a challenge!
What uses code at your house?
What is Code?