Happy Birthday to our principal, Mrs Hoffmann!

Winter is here remember to send your student with their winter coat, hat and gloves for recess everyday.

🌊 Dive Into Fun with WCHS Open Swim! 🌊
🗓️ December Swim Times (schedule may vary):Mondays & Wednesdays: 7:15-9 PM
#WCHSOpenSwim #WCSmission

2nd grade students were busy this week designing their own Mayflower that would float and hold all 102 passengers #experienceWCS

3rd grade students have been working hard on their landform unit. They researched, created power points to share with the class about their form and today made models with salt dough. #experienceWCS

This week's kindness and work hard winners had fun decorating posters for the basketball game tonight. #experienceWCS

Happy Substitute Teacher Appreciation Day to our very own building sub Mrs Crone! #experienceWCS

Our 2nd grade students got a visit from the Fort Wayne Zoo today. #experienceWCS

As a final reminder, we hope to see you tomorrow (Tuesday) at our Fall Into Reading Success parent event at 8:00 am in the media center.
Not able to make it but still want to learn more? Reach out to Mrs. Hoffmann or Mrs. Parker, our amazing Title I intervention teacher. We are always happy to support literacy in any way we can as partners in education!

This week and next, we are holding our school-wide Madison Thanksgiving food drive (non-perishable items) to support those in our community who are not as fortunate and may be struggling with food insecurity due to hard times. Half of all items donated will be taken to Combined Community Services on November 21, and the other half will be going to Madison families in need to help our students get through the Thanksgiving break.
Help our cardinals make an impact!

Mr Sims class was excited to win pajama day for quickest and quietest for everyone. #expierenceWCS

Calling all Madison Families! Join us next Tuesday, November 14th for a special parent event, "Fall Into Reading Success!" You'll learn about Madison reading interventions, the ABC’s of reading, and essential keys to reading success for your child. A perfect opportunity to boost your young one's reading skills! We can't wait to see you there.

Students in Mrs William's 4th grade class designed their own zoo using their area and perimeter skills.

This week in P.E. students carried a ball symbolising a blood cell through an obstacle course that represented how the body's circulatory system works. Students learned the different parts that make up a heart. #ExperienceWCS

We are excited to share that Madison Basketball Club will begin on Wednesday, November 8th with Coach Jones. Permission forms are now available in the front office!
Please note, original permission forms included a start date of Wednesday, Nov. 1st. The first Basketball Club date will be Wednesday, Nov. 8th. Corrected fliers are available in the front office.

#experienceWCS 4th grade students we eggcited to send their egg cars down the ramp today with a real egg in them. They have been working hard to build and test with a plastic egg to see if their design can safely carry an egg down the ramp and into the wall.

We are excited to announce that Madison Girls in STEM Club is back for the 23-24 school year for girls in grades 1-3! Permission forms will be available in the front office beginning next week.

Last week as part of our "Kindergarten Cruise-in Thursdays" series, Lineman Mike from Kosciusko REMC brought his bucket truck for students to learn about a career as a lineman and how to use tools and materials to design and build a device that solves a problem through the engineering process. This week as part of Kindergarten Cruise-in Thursday, our students will see an ambulance up close and hear from an EMT.
In a full-circle moment, we are also proud to share that Madison alumnus and engineer, Austin Swihart, Purdue '15 (and son of proud mom, Madison kindergarten teacher Amy Klinger) was part of the Altec team that designed the bucket truck and then sent it to production to be built.
At Madison, we strive to create unforgettable opportunities for our students. Our WCS alumni are making a difference in our community and beyond! #ExperienceWCS

Our Madison Cross Country team did an amazing job at the last cross country meet of the year yesterday. We are very proud of our Madison team and all of the hard work they put in and grateful to Coach Jones and Assistant Coach Laborde for a great season!

Ms. Klimpert's art classes have been practicing the art of camouflage! In addition to making their own camouflaged art work, students are working in groups on informational presentations to teach their classmates about the famous works they have been camouflaged into. Beautiful artwork by Ms. Klimpert! #experienceWCS