Principles of Cosmetology / Cosmetology Fundamentals
Advanced Cosmetology / Cosmetology Capstone
Principles of Cosmetology offers an introduction to cosmetology with emphasis on basic practical skills and theories including roller control, quick styling, shampooing, hair coloring, permanent waving, facials, manicuring, business and personal ethics, and bacteriology and sanitation.
Cosmetology Fundamentals focuses on the development of practical skills introduced in Principles of Cosmetology. Clincial application and theory in the science of cosmetology are introduced.
Advanced Cosmetology will emphasize the development of advanced skills in styling, hair coloring, permanent waving, facials, manicuring, chemical texturing, and hair cutting techniques.
Cosmetology Capstone builds and improves previously developed skills with emphasis on developing individual techniques. Professionalism, shop management, psychology in relation to cosmetology, and preparation for state board examination are stressed. For more information about this course, please check our WACC Course of Study Guide.
Successful completion of the course requires at least 375 Cosmetology studio hours.
For more information about our cosmetology program, please contact the teacher, Tina Streby
Cosmetology School
is open to the public for appointments on
Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays; 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Call 574-371-5085 to make an appointment.