WCS Health & Safety Measures for Home Athletic Events
FYI: As WCS offers Athletic Events with spectators, the following signage will be posted.
Welcome to a Warsaw Community Schools athletic contest and we need your help!
Warsaw Administration is in constant communication with the IDOE, IHSAA, and the local county health officials so we can continue to have fans in our facilities.
For everyone’s health and safety and to keep fans in the stands, please follow these essential and necessary COVID-19 guidelines:
Please sit in every other row as designated in the bleachers.
You will need to sit at least 6 ft apart from other parties at all times.
You may remove your mask once seated or if you are eating/drinking.
Please “MASK UP” when you are moving or transitioning from place to place at all times during the contest.
You will need to exit the venue immediately following the conclusion of the contest. Parents and friends will need to wait outside the facility if they wish to visit or take home a participant.
*Some outside venues may allow outside lawn chairs for spectators to sit in to help with social distancing.
Thank you for your cooperation and don’t hesitate to contact the Athletic Director or Administrator supervising this event with any questions or concerns?