1 boy standing in between 2 girls hold a blue FFA jacket

Warsaw FFA Officers congratulate Gift of Blue FFA Jacket recipient (L to R) Cadence Gibson (reporter), Dylan Hurd, and Breanna Thompson (Vice President)

Warsaw, IN – Dylan Hurd, student in the Warsaw FFA Chapter, received a Blue Corduroy FFA
Jacket as a gift from a local organization. Dylan Hurd received her jacket through Clunette Elevator and Syngenta via the Gift of Blue Jacket program as a special project of the National FFA Organization.

The jacket unifies members in a long-standing tradition and reminds them that they are part of
something larger than themselves. The Official FFA Jacket is symbolic and an icon of an American tradition- instilling pride and responsibility on those who wear it.

Along with the sponsorship of an FFA Jacket, Clunette Elevator and Syngenta also awarded Warsaw FFA one $1,000 chapter grant. These funds will be used for chapter career development opportunities and community service events along with programs that continue to foster agriculture education.

Agriculture programs prepare students for high-demand careers in innovative industries like
biotechnology, renewable energies, engineering, food production, and more. They also teach students how to be leaders and prepare them to take on the challenges of the next generation.

The Warsaw FFA Chapter makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.